The Sohiong Child Development Centre is the project under the Agency for Sustainable Development Initiatives, KJP Synod Sepngi. The centre was inaugurated by Shri. H.D.R. Lyngdoh, Minister, the Local MLA of the Sohiong Constituency and was dedicated by Rev H.F Wahlang, Moderator KJP Synod Sepngi in the present of Shri. T. Dkhar the Commissioner Secretary of Social Welfare Department.
This Centre provide services related to children/beneficiaries in order to free them from poverty in terms moral value, economic, social and physical for bringing them up to the environment where they will become fulfilled Responsible Adults. The motto of the centre is base from the Proverb: 22:6 “Train up a child in which he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
- To bring up a children in a very good moral value.
- To excel their God gifted talents
- To care and support them in understanding how to live a healthy life.
- To support in their education.
- Children belonging from poor background
- The centre will cater to the children staying within the project area.
- The centre admits children of 3-5years of age and supports them till the age of 22 years.
The Centre caters 152 Children aged from 3-6 years, with 64 Boys and 88 Girls. These children belonging from different community in Sohiong and adjacent Village like Mawlynthoh and Mawmaram.
- The Centre has Full time Worker and Part time Tutor.
- The Full time Worker administrates, organize work and function and operate maintaining of Account, documentations, reporting and others.
- The Part time Tutor comes to the Centre from 2:30 P.m. -5:30 P.m.
- The children come to the centre at 2:30Pm -5:30Pm.
- The centre also provides nutritional food to the children other than teachings or lesson on every programme.
- The centre sent the Annual Activity Report and the Financial Report to the Agency.
- The centre organized Awareness programme, Medical Health Camp,Observation day and other activity every year.
The Project Advisory Team Meeting supervise and manage for the smooth running and function of the centre, this meeting consists of the following members (i) Rev. T.W.Jones Thabah (Chairman)(ii) Rev. S. C. Diengngan (Secretary) (iii) Rev. K. B. Snaitang, Executive Secretary i/c SELDD (iv) Rev A. T. Sohliya, (v) Mr. P. Kharlukhi (Project Manager), (vi) Mr. K.S. Kurbah, (vii) Mr. P.H. Thabah and (viii) Mrs. D. Thabah from Sohiong Presbyterian Church each member enrols in Education, Health, Social works bad Sports.
The centre is support by the Agency For Sustainable Development Initiatives, KJP Synod Sepngi aiming for the holistic development of the children.
This Meeting was conducted on every first week of the month to organizing and function programs related to Home Base Programme, Centre base Programme and Special Activity every month.
Baring in mind the three basic development that is Socio-Emotional Development, Physical Development bad Cognitive Development. The centre conducts activity programme related to these Development heads;
- i) Socio-emotional activity, ii) Physical activity bad iii) Cognitive Activity.
Since children of age 3-5 years are not ready to leave his/her mother to enter a formal development/educational setup. Home base programme consists of learning programs focus towards the development of the child at home and at nearest Sub Centre and building the relationship with the child and the mother/caregiver
The Centre divides the Child Development Workers into four Sub-Centres at different areas or blocks near enough for the children to attend. The programme includes school curriculum, socio-emotional, physical hygiene and Discipline and moral lesson
Centre Based Programs play an integral part for the child’s development especially socialization and group learning, differing from home programs as individual child get individual attention while in the centre program focus on Common topics and more teaching from staff involving the caregiver, staffs are involved in teaching of new topics and learning is in a group setting and on the other hand theoretical & practical learning takes place here. The special activity, awareness programme is conducted at Centre which is on every Friday of the month and on any other day if it is observation day. The child spent at least 3 hour in the Centre Programme.
The Resource Curriculum is to facilitate the holistic child development taking place in the Sub-Centre (cluster) and Centre Base Hour. The Curriculum is prepared by the Social Worker in the following manner with material covering four areas: Physical, Socio-emotional, Cognitive and Moral values
Each lesson plan is designed to be used with a minimum of outside preparation by the tutor, and each uses icons or illustrations to help the tutor remember important elements of good lesson plans and in the process helps the child to easily understand it.
Calendar Planner of the Year 2018: CDC Planner 2018
- Awareness / Observation programme:
Every month the centre conduct different programme such as Awareness Programme or Observation Day on any particular event of the month. The centre conducted these following programmes below:
- Good Friday and Pre Easter Observation Programme: Conducted on the 04.2016 by Project Manager, conveying the message of love for humanity, regardless of all suffering the world has seen being it discrimination, hatred, war, economic power or political power. Love can change the world.
- Awareness Programme on Child Right and Child Protection: Sohiong Child Development Centre through grant assistance from the District Social Welfare Department, Meghalaya on 28.05.2017 conducted this awareness programme, attended by Children and their respective parents, Teachers of different school at Sohiong. The objective of the programme are:
- To create awareness about Child protection, Child Rights and its effects.
- To empower the caregiver, students, society and community leaders in combating Social-evils.
The resource person of the programme was Miss Jill Annaveel Marbaniang, Centre Manager of Iohlynti (One Stop Centre) Ministry of Women and Child Development, Rev S.C.Diengngan, Director S.E.L.D. Department KJP Synod Sepngi and the Sordar, Shilliang-Dongki, Sohiong.
- STORYTELLING:conducted by the Project Manager on the 20.05.2017, “The Song Bird” the moral story on the prospective of how we look toward the weak, poor and the powerless.
- MESSAGE ON THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT:On the 09.05.2017, the Project Manager share a message of good moral fiber within us about, love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, patience and self-control.
- SHORT CHILDREN MOVIE:On the 04.11.2017,a short film on “Ah Boy” about how hard work, dedication, humility, patience is the success of life no matter how the condition of life is.
- RELIEF:A gesture as relief aid to the family of Ilarisuk Thabah, by contributing house hold item worth Rs.4, 900/- on the18th January 2017.
- Singing Competition: this competition was conducted on the 10.06.2017.to encourage children with the ability to sing.
- Out Door Competition: To commemorate the 2ndanniversary of the centre, the competition was conducted for the children of the centre and messaged was convey related to how the centre had come across during the past year.
- GOSPEL MUSICAL EVENING: The children of the Centre, parents, as well as the entire staff participated in this event conducted by the S.E.L.D. Department. The children perform Recitation and special Song at this Musical Evening, this event was organised in aid of the Centre itself and the Rev. Amirkha School for Disable,
The Sohiong Child Development Centre would like to convey our gratitude and warmes regards to our entire supporter for their untiring support and effort to fulfill the objective of the centre and bring a holistic development among children.