Iohborname Kharshiing, a 9 years old child with Cerebral Palsy joined the school in 2012. When he first joined the school, his level of functioning was very low whether functionally or academically. He always needs helps in feeding, toileting and other Daily Living Skills activities. Thus after an assessment is done, he was placed in class Nursery (Functional).
Currently, Iohbor can finger-feed himself, can indicate toilet before and after performing both no. 1 and no. 2. Sometimes he needs help to take off his pants before performing. He is also able to clean himself after performing. He can undress himself completely but needs help for dressing. He is also able to brush and groom himself. Previously, he requires assistance to walk from his wheelchair to his allotted seat, but he has slowly improved and is now able to walk by himself from his wheelchair to his seat.
Iohbor has also shown improvement in receptive and expressive language. He interacts well with his peers; participate in a group game of four or five children. He is also able to label picture cards of 16/19 common animals, 11/15 different common birds, 17/19 common vegetables and 17/19 common fruits correctly and independently. He can name all the days of the week sequentially and correctly (i.e., Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday). He can also name the pictures of eight means of transport correctly and independently.
Iohbor can label pictures of big, small, tall, short, heavy, and light objects. He is also able to label circle, triangle and square objects in concrete independently and correctly. He is also able to recognize numbers from 1 to 9 (in Khasi) when asked in random. He has learnt to write the numbers 1, 2 and 3 independently and correctly.
Iohbor can recognize coins of Re 1, Rs. 2, 5, 10 and notes of Rs. 5, 10, 20 and 50 independently and correctly. He is also able to colour a given diagram independently.
Iohbor showed interest and eagerness to learn any given task. More emphases need to be laid in training him in Daily Living Skills activities. He communicates well with his friends and teachers. He is capable to do and learn more skills with opportunities and constructive interventions.